Tesla’s Lathrop Facility Now Nearly Complete On Outside: Video

Designation of the new facility in Lathrop remains unknown

Construction of Tesla‘s new facility in Lathrop, California is progressing quickly. About one month ago, only two-thirds of the roof was ready, while now (as of December 22) the roof is finished.

With cement poured on the sides and a new small parking lot in the front, it seems that facility is nearly complete on the outside. Here is what the uploader of the video – Troopr1023 – stated:

“Now, the roof is finished. Cement is being poured on each side of the distribution center where all the loading bay doors are located. It looks like the parking lot in the front is also being constructed. Due to the very small amount of parking lot space immediately around this building, I doubt it will be a factory of any sort.

Interesting note: there was a lot of electromagnetic interference while I was flying the drone below 200 feet. I have not had this problem on prior flights. It seemed to be most concentrated in the parking lot area. Perhaps there is something under ground that is causing a bunch of interference.”

The first guess about the destination of the facility was a distribution center for cars produced at the Tesla Factory. Some think that Tesla will produce some vehicles (maybe Semi trucks) or parts there though.

What do you think the site will be utilized for?

Source: Electric Vehicle News