Tesla Model 3 Teardown Expert Munro Divulges New Profit Details

What new goodies could Sandy Munro possibly offer about the Tesla Model 3?

Automotive industry sought-after teardown expert Sandy Munro has made a lot of waves when it comes to the Tesla Model 3. Early on, he equated it to an early Kia. That is, in terms of it’s fit and finish. Since then, Munro has changed his tune on repeated occasions. Now, he seems to wonder if any comparable car can attempt to top the magic found in the Model 3.

Automakers pay people like Munro to handle such teardowns and provide sought-after insight. More specifically, that is OEMs that are working to compete with a particular company or model: i.e (Tesla) and (Tesla Model 3). We can all but guarantee that Tesla has not reached out to and/or paid for any analysis from Munro and Associates. Yet still, Munro continues to assert that he’s enamored with the Tesla Model 3.

Check out this recent interview for more information and some never-before-revealed analysis.

Video Description via E for Electric on YouTube:

 New Tesla Model 3 Insight Revealed by Teardown Guru Sandy Munro

Auto manufacturing expert Sandy Munro, the man behind the Tesla Model 3 teardown, had revealed a new shocking revelation about the profit margins for Tesla Model 3 made in China. Let’s talk about it as I take your questions and comments during the LIVE stream!

Source: Electric Vehicle News